Hartmann USA, Inc

3 dispositivos en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    Lot number: 000543118
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide -- Including CA, GA, IL, MO, MS, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    HydroHydrofilm is for use as a post-operative and primary dressing to protect against secondary infection and to cover non-exudating wounds and for use as a secondary dressing for fixation of catheters or cannulae.film, 10cm x 12.5 cm, Paul Hartmann AG, 89522 Heidenhiem, Germany
  • Modelo / Serial
    Item # 56910000 (Sterilux): 102147399, 102250396, 200105390, 200206394
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide distribution: USA including states of: AZ, CA, FL, GA, KY, MO, MS, NC, PA, SC, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    Hartmann Sterilux Ref 56910000 Sterile Premium gauze sponge 4"x4" 12-ply 24 boxes/case 1200 total sponges || For use in wound cleansing, debriding of wounds, wound packing, covering and swabbing
  • Modelo / Serial
    Item # 416105 (Econolux): 101546391, 101646398, 101747392, 101850399, 101952309, 200106397
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide distribution: USA including states of: AZ, CA, FL, GA, KY, MO, MS, NC, PA, SC, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Descripción del producto
    Hartmann Econolux Ref 416 105 Sterile Gauze sponge 4"x4" 12-ply 24 boxes/case 1200 total sponges || For use in wound cleansing, debriding of wounds, wound packing, covering and swabbing