List number : 8L24-31
Lot Number : 60335Y600, 60382Y600
UDI Number : (01)00380740017682(17)180228, (10)60335Y600(240)8L2431, (01)00380740017682(17)180228, (10)60382Y600(240)8L2431
Number : 8L24-41
Number : 60334Y600
UDI number : 01)00380740017699(17)180228, (10)60334Y600(240)8L2441
CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery Systems limited to certain G4, VSI, and G3 systems with the Cosmetic Appearance Package installed.
Descripción del producto
The CyberKnife is indicated for treatment planning and image guided stereotactic Radiosurgery and precision radiotherapy for lesions, tumors and conditions anywhere in the body when radiation treatment is indicated.