Nationwide-USA including states of AZ, GA, MD, OK, PA, TX, and VA (distributors) medical facilities in FL, NY, and PA; and sales representatives in CA and FL.
Descripción del producto
Excia Cemented Hip Stems ,Size 18mm, Part Number NJ318K, Aesculap Implant Systems, Inc., Center Valley, PA 18034
Nationwide: States of AL, GA, PA, FL, NE, WI, IL, LA, TX, AZ, MN, MA, CA, NY, OH, IN, and MI.
Descripción del producto
Vena Tech LP Vena Cava Filter System, Item No/REF. 05010024, Model No: 40DLP, B Braun. Manufacturer: B. Braun Medical 204, avenue du Marechal Juin BP 331 92107 Boulogne Cedex , France. (The VenaTech LP vena cava filter is pre-loaded in a syringe (cartridge) and provided as a system with introducer accessories and instructions to accommodate delivery and implantation either via the femoral or jugular approach.)