Batteries coded: XX07 and earlier The Nova Biomedical products that contain the lithium batteries include the following part numbers: Part # 41772 - Battery Assy, Part # 42215 - Battery Replacement pack, Part # 42224 - Kit Meter, Part # 43735 - Kit Meter EZ CHEM, Part # 43773 - Kit Meter, Part # 43811 - Battery Replacement Pack EZ CHEM, Part # 44013 - Kit Meter, Part # 44014 - Kit Meter and Part # 44251 - Kit Meter.
Worldwide Distribution --- including USA and countries of Canada, Taiwan, Hungary, Malaysia, Australia, Russia, Thailand, New Zealand, Austria, France, Germany, UK, China, South Africa, Croatian, Peru, and Czech Republic.
Descripción del producto
Varta Easypack XL Lithium Polymer Batteries (P/N 41772 and 42215) || Used with: || Nova Biomedical StatStrip Glucose Hospital Meter (P/N 42224) and Nova Biomedical StatSensor Creatinine Hospital Meter and EZ CHEM Creatinine Meter (P/N 9600). Statstrip Meter an In vitro diagnostic for use by health care professionals in the quantitative determination of glucose (GLU) in whole blood. EZ Chem In vitro diagnostic for the quantitative measurement of creatinine in capillary, venous or arterial blood.
Worldwide Distribution -- United States (CO, MA, MN and RI), United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy.
Descripción del producto
Nova StatStrip Glucose Test Strips, Catalog Number: 42214. Nova Biomedical Corporation. Waltham, MA 02454. || Intended for in vitro diagnostic use by health care professionals and for Point-Of-Care usage for the quantitative measurement of glucose in capillary, venous, arterial and neonate whole blood.
Nova StatStrip/StatSensor Hospital Blood Glucose Meter; Nova StatStrip Lactate Hospital Meter System; Nova StatSensor Creatinine Hospital Meter, || Rechargeable Lithium Batteries || Single: 46626; 4 Pack: 46827; 5 Pack: 50436. || For Point-Of-Care usage in the quantitative determination of Glucose in whole blood.
Worldwide, USA, Canada, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France,Germany,Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland,Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka. Switzerland, Syria ,Taiwan, Turkey and The United Kingdom
Descripción del producto
Nova 8 Analyzer Calibrator Pack (Catalog/REF # 15196), Nova Biomedical, Waltham, MA