• Modelo / Serial
    Model Catalog: 3051 (Lot serial: > 10 Lots contact MFG); Model Catalog: 4400 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 4300 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 4000 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 3500 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 3000 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 3300 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 3150 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 3100 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 3050 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg); Model Catalog: 3400 (Lot serial: > 10 lots contact mfg)
  • Descripción del producto
    Infant Warmer System;OHMEDA Infant Warmer System
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source

21 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    See Attached Spreadsheat
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide and Puerto Rico) Bahamas and Internationally to UK, Trinidad & Tobago, Taiwan, Spain, Panama, Netherlands Antilles, Mexico, Lebanon, Japan, Ireland, Honduras, El Salvador, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Canada, Brazil, and Venezuela,
  • Descripción del producto
    IWS || Infant Warmer System-Infant radiant warmers provide infrared heat, in a controlled manner, to neonates who are unable to thermoregulate based on their own physiology or necessitate external heat to smoothen the transition from the uterus to the external environment. They fulfill the same purpose of neonatal incubators but they may be preferred over incubators when total access to the patient is needed or desirable (e.g., surgical procedures, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, frequent resuscitation, etc.). Most infant radiant warmers can be used in two operating modes: 1. Manual: The clinician sets the appropriate heater output for maintaining the desired patient temperature. The heater output is initially selected based on the clinician s training and experience and then is adjusted based on the patients needs and clinical status. 2. Servo: The clinician sets the desired patient temperature. A skin temperature probe senses the patient temperature and feeds this information to the controller of the infant radiant warmer. The controller then adjusts the heater output to maintain the patient temperature at the set value. These adjustments to the heater output are made in such a way to gradually change the patient s temperature while minimizing overshooting and patient stress. Infant radiant warmers have alarms to alert clinicians when certain patient or equipment conditions occur, such as a malfunction, or an excessive departure of the patient s temperature from the set value. Infant radiant warmers may incorporate other features, such as phototherapy, observation light, tilting of the bed, and data output to remote monitors or nurse call systems
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Affected model numbers: Model 2001 IWS (International), 3000 IWS, 3050 IWS, 3100 IWS, 3150 IWS, 3300 IWS, 3500 IWS, 4000 IWS, 4300 IWS, 4400 IWS, 5000 IWS. .................................................. NCMDR update codes : Two additional model numbers to the Affected Product Details section; 3051 IWS and 3400 IWS
  • Descripción del producto
    Heating unit
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
  • Descripción del producto
    Surgical equipment/ Anaesthesia - surgical equipment
  • Manufacturer
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