Device Recall Animas(R) 2020, Animas(R) IR 1250 (1200 plus), Animas(R) IR 1200 Insulin Infusion Pumps

  • Modelo / Serial
    All Animas 2020, IR1250 and IR1200 Pump Models - Part Numbers 101370-00, 101371-00, 101372-00, 101374-00, 101375-00, 100380-00, 100381-00, 100382-00, 100384-00, 100385-00, 100450-00, 100210-00, 100211-00, 100212-00, 100250-00, 100251-00, 100252-00, 100200-00, 100201-00, 100202-00, 100170-00, 100171-00 and 100172-00.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) including Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Island and the states of AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, and WY, and the countries of Austria, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Finland, Hungary, Israel, United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Mexico and Ireland.
  • Descripción del producto
    Animas(R) 2020, Animas(R) IR 1250 (1200 plus), Animas(R) IR 1200 Insulin Infusion Pumps || Indicated for continuous subcutaneous infusion of insulin.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Animas Corporation, 200 Lawrence Dr, West Chester PA 19380-3428
  • Source