DRLock Volar Plate Screw System, model DVR900

  • Modelo / Serial
    Tray kit (case) set number: ''BAA'', ''BAB'', ''BAC'', ''BAD'', ''BAE'', ''BAF'',  ''BAH'', and ''BAJ''. (The distal locking-screws contained in the kit are identified with lot numbers S104 and S200)
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    The product was distributed to 5 consignees located in the U.S.: Archway Medical, Columbia, SC; Gulf Coast Surgical, Stafford, TX; Vaugham Medical, Wheat Ridge, CO; Belemy Medical, Cleveland, OH; and Crystal Clinic, Akron, OH.
  • Descripción del producto
    DRLock Volar Plate Screw System, Model #DVR-900. The product is a kit contained in an aluminum tray case that contains the following: IMPLANTS: || 6 stainless steel plates (2-lefts, 2-rights, and 1-right long and 1-right left), 48 distal locking-screws (ranging from 10-24mm), 32 distal locking pegs, 36 proximal locking screws, 24 proximal non-locking screws. INSTRUMENTS: 2 Bending Pliers*, 1 Bone Reduction Forcep*, 2 Hohmann Retractors *, 1 Ratchet Handle*, 1 Periosteal Elevator*, 1 Dingman Elevator *, 1 K & K Elevator *, four Driver tips *, five drill guides*, 2-1.6 Drill Bits *, 2-2.3 Drill Bits *, 1 Plate Holder Verbruge *, 2 Depth Gages *, 6 K wires.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    OrthoHelix Surgical Designs Inc, 1815 W Market St Ste 205, Akron OH 44313-7018
  • Source