Care Cliner

  • Modelo / Serial
    Recalled chairs include the following Models : Recalled chairs include the following:   2008 Model Numbers:  653N - Care Cliner, 654N - XL Care Cliner, 655N - Drop Arm Care Cliner, 657N - XL Drop Arm Care Cliner, 690N - Elite Care Cliner, 691N - XL Elite Care Cliner, 694N - Dual Swing-Arm Elite Care Cliner, 695N - XL Dual Swing-Arm Elite Care Cliner.   2009 Model Numbers:  6530 - Care Cliner, 6540 - XL Care Cliner, 6550 - Drop Arm Care Cliner, 6570- XL Drop Arm Care Cliner, 6900 - Elite Care Cliner, 6910 - XL Elite Care Cliner, 6940 - Dual Swing-Arm Elite Care Cliner, 6950 - XL Dual Swing-Arm Elite Care Cliner.  Recalled model numbers are as folows:  6530-02, 6530-03, 6530-03-TB, 6530-04, 6530-06, 6530-07, 6530-08, 6530-08-TB-00-PB, 6530-14, 6530-15, 6530-15-00-00-00-00-LC, 6530-15-00-00-PB, 6530-16, 6530-17, 6530-17-TB, 6530-25, 65302N,  65302NT,  6530-30, 6530-31, 6530-33, 6530-37-00-00-PB, 6530-39, 6530-39-00-00-PB, 65303N,  65303N,  65304N,  65304NH,  65304NHT,  65304NT,  6530-63, 6530-63-TB, 65306N,  65306NH,  65307N,  65307NT,  65308N,  65308NT,  65314N,  65314NH,  65314NT,  65315N,  65316N,  65317N,  65317NT,  65330N,  65333NT,  65337N,  65341N,  65344N,  65360N,  65361N,  65362N,  65362NT,  65363N,  65363NT,  6540-02, 6540-03, 6540-04, 6540-04-00-HM, 6540-06, 6540-07, 6540-08, 6540-14, 6540-16-TB, 6540-17, 6540-17-TB, 65402N,  65402NT,  6540-30-00-00-PB, 6540-37, 6540-39, 6540-39-00-00-PB, 65403N,  65403NT,  65404N,  65404NH,  65404NHT,  6540-60, 6540-63-TB, 65406N,  65406NH,  65407N,  65408N,  65414N,  65414NT,  65415N,  65416N,  65417N,  65417NT,  65430N,  65437N,  65441N,  65442N,  65461NH,  65462N,  65465N,  6550-02, 6550-03, 6550-03-00-HM, 6550-04, 6550-06, 6550-13, 6550-14, 6550-14-00-00-PB, 6550-14-00-HM, 6550-16, 6550-17, 65502N,  6550-30-00-HM, 6550-34-00-00-PB, 6550-37, 6550-39-00-HM, 65503N,  65503NH,  65504N,  65504NL,  65504NT,  65504NT-DART,  65506N,  65506NH,  65507N,  65507NH,  65508N,  65514N,  65514NH,  65514NL,  65514NW,  65515N,  65516N,  65516NH,  65516NT,  65517N,  65517NCE,  65517NH,  65517NHT,  65525N,  65527N,  65527NH,  65528NH,  65530NH,  65532N,  65532NH,  65533N,  65537N,  65539N,  65539NH,  65541NL,  65544NW,  65561NL,  65562NH,  65562NL,  65567N,  65567NH,  6570-02, 6570-03, 6570-03-00-HM, 6570-07, 6570-14, 6570-14-00-00-PB, 6570-14-00-HM, 6570-17, 6570-17-00-00-PB, 6570-17-00-00-PC, 6570-17-TB,  65702N,  65702NT,  6570-39-00-HM,  65703N,  65703NH,  6570-41,  65704N,  65704NT,  6570-62, 6570-63-TB,  65706N ,  65706NH,  65707N,  65707NH,  65708N,  65708NT,  65714N,  65714NH,  65714NL,  65714NT,  65714NW,  65715N,  65716NH,  65717N,  65717NCE,  65717NH,  65725N,  65727NH,  65728NH,  65730N,  65730NH,  65732N,  65732NH,  65733N,  65737N,  65739N,  65739NH,  65741NH,  65741NL,  65761N,  65762N,  65762NH,  65762NL,  65763NH,  65766N,  65767NH,  6900-02, 6900-03, 6900-04, 6900-17, 69002N ,  6900-30, 6900-39 ,  69003N,  69003NH,  6900-41,  69004N,  6900-60, 6900-61, 6900-62, 6900-63, 6900-63-00-HM, 6900-63-TB,  69006N,  69007N,  69008N,  69008NH,  69014N,  69014NT,  69014NW,  69015N,  69016N,  69016NT,  69017N,  69017NH,  69026N,  69027N,  69028N,  69030N,  69030NH,  69031N,  69032N,  69033N,  69034N,  69037N,  69039N,  69041N,  69041NH,  69060N,  69062N,  69063N,  69063NH,  69063NT,  69065NT,  69066N,  69066NT,  69067N,  6910-03, 6910-06, 6910-17, 6910-32, 6910-33-00-HM, 6910-37-00-00-PB, 6910-37-TB, 6910-39,  69103N,  69104N,  6910-60, 6910-61, 6910-62, 6910-63,  69106N,  69107NT,  69114N,  69114NW,  69117N,  69117NH,  69117NT,  69127N,  69133N,  69133NT,  69134N,  69137N,  69162N,  69163N,  69167N,  6940-03, 6940-03-00-HT, 6940-04-TB-HT, 6940-06, 6940-06-TB-HM, 6940-07-TB, 6940-14, 6940-14-TB, 6940-15, 6940-15-00-HM, 6940-16, 6940-16-TB-HM, 6940-17, 6940-17-00-HM, 6940-17-TB-HM, 6940-19-TB-HM, 6940-26-TB, 6940-26-TB-HM, 6940-27-TB-HM, 69402N,  69402NT,  6940-30, 6940-32, 6940-32-TB, 6940-33-TB-HM,  69403N,  69403NH,  69403NT,  69403NW,  6940-41-TB-HM,  69404N,  69404NDH,  69404NH,  69404NHT,  69404NT,  69404NWT,  6940-60-TB-HT, 6940-62, 6940-62-TB, 6940-62-TB-HM, 6940-62-TB-HT, 6940-63-TB, 69406N,  69406NH,  69407N ,  69407NT,  69414N,  69414NH,  69414NT,  69415N,  69415NH,  69415NHT,  69416N,  69416NHT,  69416NT,  69417N,  69417NHT,  69417NT,  69417NW,  69419NHT,  69427NHT,  69429NT,  69430NH,  69432N,  69432NT,  69433N,  69433NH,  69433NHT,  69433NT,  69434N,  69434NHT,  69437NH,  69437NHT,  69441NHT,  69444ND,  69444NDH,  69460N,  69460NHT,  69460NWT,  69461NH,  69462N,  69462NHT,  69462NT,  69463N,  69463NH,  69463NT,  69463NWT,  69466NWT,  69467N,  6950-03, 6950-03-00-HT, 6950-04-00-HM, 6950-04-TB-HT, 6950-06-TB-HM, 6950-15, 6950-16-TB-HM, 6950-19-TB-HM, 6950-19-TB-HT, 6950-26-TB-HM, 6950-27-TB-HM, 69502NH,  6950-33, 6950-33-TB-HM, 6950-39-00-HM,  69503N,  69503N,  69503NH,  69503NT,  6950-41-00-HT,  69504N,  69504NH,  69504NW,  6950-60, 6950-60-TB-HT, 6950-62-00-00-PB, 6950-62-TB-HT, 69506NHT,  69514N,  69514NH,  69514NHT,  69514NT,  69515N,  69515NH,  69516N,  69516NHT,  69516NT,  69517N,  69517NH,  69517NHT,  69517NT,  69519NHT,  69527NHT,  69529NT,  69530NH,  69532N,  69532NT,  69533N,  69533NH,  69533NHT,  69534N,  69541NHT,  69544ND,  69560N,  69560NHT,  69560NWT,  69561N,  69561NH,  69562N,  69562NHT,  69563NH,  69563NWT.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (all states except Vermont and Nebraska) and the countries of Belgium, Canada, Chile, Ireland, Kuwait, Netherlands, Saud Arabia, Singapore and United Arab Emirates.
  • Descripción del producto
    Recalled chairs include the following: || 2008 Model Numbers: || 653N - Care Cliner, 654N - XL Care Cliner, 655N - Drop Arm Care Cliner, 657N - XL Drop Arm Care Cliner, 690N - Elite Care Cliner, || 691N - XL Elite Care Cliner, 694N - Dual Swing-Arm Elite Care Cliner, 695N - XL Dual Swing-Arm Elite Care Cliner. || 2009 Model Numbers: || 6530 - Care Cliner, 6540 - XL Care Cliner, 6550 - Drop Arm Care Cliner, 6570- XL Drop Arm Care Cliner, 6900 - Elite Care Cliner, 6910 - XL Elite Care Cliner, 6940 - Dual Swing-Arm Elite Care Cliner, 6950 - XL Dual Swing-Arm Elite Care Cliner.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Winco, Inc., 5516 SW 1st Lane, Ocala FL 34474-9307
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source

17 dispositivos con un nombre similar

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  • Modelo / Serial
    Model 6700, 6704 and 6710.  Serial numbers: 670A100027, 670A100028, 670A100323, 670100082, 670100083, 670A100101, 670A100021, 670A100324, 670A100325, 670A100284, 670A100242, 670100005, 670100124, 670100125, 670100181, 670100182, 670100183, 670100184, 670100185, 670100186, 670100026, 670A100004, 670A100036, 670A100037, 670A100038, 670A100039, 670A100040, 670A100041, 670A100042, 670A100043, 670A100044, 670A100124, 670A100135, 670A100138, 670A100137, 670A100278, 670A100299, 670A100308, 670A100345, 670A100365, 670A100191, 670A100243, 670A100303, 670100027, 670100193, 670A100244, 670A100245, 670A100246, 670100018, 670100022, 670100021, 670100020, 670100175, 670100176, 670100177, 670100171, 670100187, 670100188, 670100189, and 670100190
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including CA, FL, IL, MA, MD, MN, NM, NY, OH, OK, and TX.
  • Descripción del producto
    Designer Care Cliner 6700/6704/6710 || WITH CAL TB 133 UPGRADE PURCHASED JAN 01, 2011 TO AUGUST 20, 2012. A multi position recliner with a steel frame used primarily in clinics, hospitals, and treatment centers for recovery, dialysis, oncology, examination, infusion.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Model Number: 6540
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including CA, FL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MN, MS, NJ, NY, OK, TN, TX, and WA.
  • Descripción del producto
    Winco Care Cliner X-Large - with Nylon Casters || Oncology, Dialysis, Hospital Recovery, Home Dialysis Use, Physician Facilities.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Model Number: 6541, Serial Numbers: 654A105210, 654A105204, 654A105208 and 654A105209.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including CA, FL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MN, MS, NJ, NY, OK, TN, TX, and WA.
  • Descripción del producto
    Winco Care Cliner X-Large - with Steel Casters || Oncology, Dialysis, Hospital Recovery, Home Dialysis Use, Physician Facilities.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Model Number: 6550, Serial Numbers: 655A108119, 655A108120, 655A108121, 655A108122, 655A108123,   655A108124, 655A108125, 655A108126, 655A108127, 655A108128, 655A108129,  655A108130, 655A108131, 655A108132, 655A108133, 655A108134, 655A108135,  655A108136, 655A108137, 655A108138, 655A108139, 655A108140, 655A108141, 655A108142, 655A108143, 655A108144, 655A108145, 655A108146, 655A108147, and 655A108148
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including CA, FL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MN, MS, NJ, NY, OK, TN, TX, and WA.
  • Descripción del producto
    Winco Drop Arm Care Cliner Standard - with Nylon Casters || Oncology, Dialysis, Hospital Recovery, Home Dialysis Use, Physician Facilities.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Model Number: 6551, Serial Number: 655A108177
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution including CA, FL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MN, MS, NJ, NY, OK, TN, TX, and WA.
  • Descripción del producto
    Winco Drop Arm Care Cliner Standard - with Steel Casters || Oncology, Dialysis, Hospital Recovery, Home Dialysis Use, Physician Facilities.
  • Manufacturer
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