Device Recall Philips

  • Modelo / Serial
    Devices with Laird Chiller.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide, worldwide including Canada
  • Descripción del producto
    Allura Xper Release 8.2 (Laird chiller is always installed); Allura Xper FD10 722026; Allura Xper FD10/10 722027; Allura Xper FD20/10 biplane 722029; Allura Xper FD10 OR Table 722033; Allura Xper FD10/10 OR Table 722034; Allura Xper FD20/10 OR Table 722036; Allure Xper FD20/20 722038; Allura Xper FD20/20 biplane OR Table 722039
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Dirección del fabricante
    Philips Electronics North America Corporation, 3000 Minuteman Rd, Andover MA 01810-1032
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source

229 dispositivos con un nombre similar

Más información acerca de la data acá

  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial Numbers affected: 1204137082, 1204137014, 1204137016, 1204137022, 1204137126, 1204137128, 1204137132, 1204137136, 1204137146, 1204137018, 1204137020, 1204137124, 1204137130, 1204137134, 1204137138, 1204137028, 1204137030, 1204137032, 1204137036, 1204137038, 1204137040, 1204137042, 1204137044, 1204137046, 1204137048, 1204137050, 1204137064, 1204137070, 1204137072, 1204137074, 1204137076, 1204137078, 1204137080, 1204137084, 1204137086, 1204137088, 1204137090, 1204137092, 1204137094, 1204137140, 1204137162, 1204137164, 1204137166, 1204137168, 1204137196, 1204137198, 1204137200, 1204137202, 1204137204, 1204137206, 1204137208, 1204137034, 1204137144, 1204137142, 1204137228, 1204137396, 1204137054, 1204137056, 1204137058, 1204137060, 1204137062, 1204137066, 1204137068, 1204137096, 1204137100, 1204137102, 1204137104, 1204137106, 1204137108, 1204137110, 1204137112, 1204137114, 1204137116, 1204137118, 1204137226, 1204137230, 1204137238, 1204137266, 1204137268, 1204137270, 1204137272, 1204137286, 1204137290, 1204137294, 1204137120, 1204137122, 1204137224, 1204137232, 1204137234, 1204137236, 1204137274, 1204137276, 1204137280, 1204137282, 1204137284, 1204137288, 1204137292, 1204137296, 1204137298, 1204137300, 1204137304, 1204137306, 1204137308, 1204137312, 1204137316, 1204137318, 1204137322, 1204137324, 1204137330, 1204137354, 1204137388, 1204137394, 1204137572, 1204137352, 1204137386, 1204137382, 1204137384, 1204137472, 1204137483, 1204137381, 1204137302, 1204137310, 1204137314, 1204137334, 1204137336, 1204137338, 1204137340, 1204137342, 1204137344, 1204137346, 1204137356, 1204137358, 1204137360, 1204137362, 1204137364, 1204137374, 1204137376, 1204137379, 1204137389, 1204137390, 1204137392, 1204137398, 1204137400, 1204137402, 1204137403, 1204137404, 1204137406, 1204137408, 1204137409, 1204137410, 1204137411, 1204137412, 1204137414, 1204137416, 1204137418, 1204137420, 1204137421, 1204137424, 1204137427, 1204137429, 1204137433, 1204137435, 1204137438, 1204137442, 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0405149826, 0405150654, 0405150658, 0405150686, 0505152536, 0505152919, 1005170558, 0106179348, 0106179344, 0406191022.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Distribution is worldwide.
  • Descripción del producto
    HeartStart FR2+ Defibrillator
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial Number Range US11149477 - US11149503 US11149741 - US11149795 US11149798 - US11149883 US11149886 - US11149932 US11149935 - US11149959 US11149961 - US11149967 US11150078 - US11150124 US11150162 - US11150177 US11150196 - US11150307 US11150312 - US11150315 US11150336 - US11150343 US11150345 - US11150546
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
  • Descripción del producto
    Philips SureSigns VM Series Patient Monitors: || VM4, VM6, VM 8: || Model Part Numbers || VM4 863063, 453564024371, 453564021961, 453564024401, 453564021971 || VM6 863064, 863065, 453564024421, 453564022001, 453564024441, 453564022041 || VM8 863066, 863068, 453564022081, 453564024461, 453564024481 || The SureSigns VS3 vital signs monitor and VM4, VM6 and VM8 patient monitors are for use by health care professionals whenever there is a need for monitoring the physiological parameters of patients. The SureSigns VS3 vital signs monitor and VM4, VM6 and VM8 patient monitors are for monitoring, recording, and alarming of multiple physiological parameters of adults, pediatrics, and neonates in healthcare environments. Additionally, the monitor is intended for use in transport situations within a healthcare facility.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial Number Range CN04400000 - CN04499999 US10200000 - US10299999 CN03700000 - CN03799999 CN04400000 - CN04499999 CN10200000 - CN10299999 US03800000 - US03899999 US04400000 - US04499999 US10200000 - US10299999
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
  • Descripción del producto
    Philips SureSigns VS3 Vital Signs Monitor Models: || VS3 863069, 863070, 453564041251, 453564041261, || VS3 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 453564041271, 453564041281, 453564041291, 453564041301 || The SureSigns VS3 vital signs monitor and VM4, VM6 and VM8 patient monitors are for use by health care professionals whenever there is a need for monitoring the physiological parameters of patients. The SureSigns VS3 vital signs monitor and VM4, VM6 and VM8 patient monitors are for monitoring, recording, and alarming of multiple physiological parameters of adults, pediatrics, and neonates in healthcare environments. Additionally, the monitor is intended for use in transport situations within a healthcare facility.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    System Code: 882480;  Serial #s: 4000224, 4000061, 4000321, 4000043, 4000065, 4000081, 4000180, 4000044, 4000527, 4000298, 4000229, 4000262, 4000378, 4000280, 4000336, 4000324, 4000184, 4000190, 4000516, 4000303, 4000411, 4000305, 4000009, 4000012, 4000413, 4000213, 4000335, 4000436, 4000500, 4000491, 4000510, 4000518, 4000418, 4000454, 4000197, 4000353, 4000469, 4000005, 4000042, 4000379, 4000533, 4000451, 4000137, 4000343, 4000030, 4000540, 4000421, 4000342, 4000495, 4000511, 4000317, 4000338, 4000316, 4000408, 4000251, 4000031, 4000341, 4000122, 4000530, 4000395, 4000286, 4000294, 4000348, 4000296, 4000462, 4000463, 4000464, 4000419, 4000096, 4000476, 4340005, 4000484, 4000268, 4000382, 4000169, 4000447, 4000228, 4000442, 4000297, 4000047, 4000049, 4000488, 4000156, 4000412, 4000273, 4000337, 4000394, 4000194, 4000179, 4000401, 4000385, 4000504, 4000121, 4000109, 4000115, 4000257, 4000503, 4000105, 4000356, 4000333, 4000339, 4000107, 4000227, 4000233, 4000173, 4000400, 4000397, 4000398, 4000494, 4000256, 4000386, 4000168, 4000126, 4000154, 4000399, 4000272, 4000478, 4340004, 4000219, 4000243, 4000437, 4000376, 4000416, 4000485, 4000035, 4000515, 4000427, 4000142, 4000226, 4000519, 4000475 4000066, 4000183, 4000459, 4000461, 4000468, 4000210, 4000063 4000150, 4000217, 4000393, 4000420, 4000479, 4000300, 4000075, 4000080, 4000086, 4000013, 4000396, 4000481, 4000392, 4000157, 4000323, 4000374, 4000072, 4000237, 4000493, 4000354, 4000203, 4000167, 4000041, 4000407, 4000372, 4000133, 4000209, 4000299, 4000477, 4000314, 4000010, 4000539, 4000409, 4000134, 4000153, 4000373, 4000471, 4000163, 4000465, 4000082, 4000331, 4000282, 4000449, 4000216, 4000269, 4000415, 4000345, 4000208, 4000279, 4000254, 4000125, 4000201,
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and Puerto Rico and the countries of Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, China, Chile, Columbia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switxerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
  • Descripción del producto
    Philips brand BrightView Gamma Camera System, || SYST, BRIGHTVIEW-FIXED, 3/8", Model Number: 4535-602-79781; || Product is manufactured and distributed by || Philips Medical Systems (Cleveland), Inc., || Cleveland, OH || The BrightView Gamma Camera System is intended to produce images depicting the anatomical distributions of single photon emitting radioisotopes within the human body for interpretation by medical personnel
  • Manufacturer
  • Modelo / Serial
    System Code: 882480;  Serial #s: 4000224, 4000061, 4000321, 4000043, 4000065, 4000081, 4000180, 4000044, 4000527, 4000298, 4000229, 4000262, 4000378, 4000280, 4000336, 4000324, 4000184, 4000190, 4000516, 4000303, 4000411, 4000305, 4000009, 4000012, 4000413, 4000213, 4000335, 4000436, 4000500, 4000491, 4000510, 4000518, 4000418, 4000454, 4000197, 4000353, 4000469, 4000005, 4000042, 4000379, 4000533, 4000451, 4000137, 4000343, 4000030, 4000540, 4000421, 4000342, 4000495, 4000511, 4000317, 4000338, 4000316, 4000408, 4000251, 4000031, 4000341, 4000122, 4000530, 4000395, 4000286, 4000294, 4000348, 4000296, 4000462, 4000463, 4000464, 4000419, 4000096, 4000476, 4340005, 4000484, 4000268, 4000382, 4000169, 4000447, 4000228, 4000442, 4000297, 4000047, 4000049, 4000488, 4000156, 4000412, 4000273, 4000337, 4000394, 4000194, 4000179, 4000401, 4000385, 4000504, 4000121, 4000109, 4000115, 4000257, 4000503, 4000105, 4000356, 4000333, 4000339, 4000107, 4000227, 4000233, 4000173, 4000400, 4000397, 4000398, 4000494, 4000256, 4000386, 4000168, 4000126, 4000154, 4000399, 4000272, 4000478, 4340004, 4000219, 4000243, 4000437, 4000376, 4000416, 4000485, 4000035, 4000515, 4000427, 4000142, 4000226, 4000519, 4000475 4000066, 4000183, 4000459, 4000461, 4000468, 4000210, 4000063 4000150, 4000217, 4000393, 4000420, 4000479, 4000300, 4000075, 4000080, 4000086, 4000013, 4000396, 4000481, 4000392, 4000157, 4000323, 4000374, 4000072, 4000237, 4000493, 4000354, 4000203, 4000167, 4000041, 4000407, 4000372, 4000133, 4000209, 4000299, 4000477, 4000314, 4000010, 4000539, 4000409, 4000134, 4000153, 4000373, 4000471, 4000163, 4000465, 4000082, 4000331, 4000282, 4000449, 4000216, 4000269, 4000415, 4000345, 4000208, 4000279, 4000254, 4000125, 4000201,
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and Puerto Rico and the countries of Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, China, Chile, Columbia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switxerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
  • Descripción del producto
    Philips brand BrightView Gamma Camera System, || SYST, BRIGHTVIEW-TILT, 3/4", Model Number; 4535-602-79801; || Product is manufactured and distributed by || Philips Medical Systems (Cleveland), Inc., || Cleveland, OH || The BrightView Gamma Camera System is intended to produce images depicting the anatomical distributions of single photon emitting radioisotopes within the human body for interpretation by medical personnel.
  • Manufacturer
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