4 dispositivos en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    MIA FORA NGS FLEX 11 HLA Typing Kit. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD). Product Number:TL-SR-800-10433-24Lot Number: 18-299-11-C ARTG Number: 288368Abacus dx - Multiple human leukocyte antigens (HLA) typing IVDs
  • Modelo / Serial
    MIA FORA NGS HLA Server and Software versions 3.0 and 3.1. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD)MIA FORA NGS HLA Server, Linux SR-790-00017 or Windows SR-790-00020MIA FORA NGS Software, Linux SR-850-00043, Windows SR-850-00062 or Registry SR-790-00068ARTG Number: 288607(Abacus dx Pty Ltd - Interpretive software IVDs)
  • Modelo / Serial
    EliA Intrinsic Factor Well. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD)Catalogue Number: PU14566801Lot number: 0015Expiry date: 31/01/2019ARTG: 229585Abacus dx - Clinical chemistry autoimmune IVDs
  • Modelo / Serial
    Immucor MATCH IT! DNA Software version 3.29.0 (released 30 Jan 2018) for use with Allele Database used with LIFECODES HLA-B SSO Typing Kits. In vitro diagnostic medical devices.LIFECODES HLA-B SSO Typing Kit Affected Lots: 01117A (exp 30/11/2018) and 06036A (exp 31/05/2018)Typing Kit Catalogue Numbers: TL628915 and TL628915sARTG Numbers: 257272 , 217871