
7 dispositivos en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    The routine service Kit # 082395-00 or Part # 030500-00. Kits do not contain serial number.  Four kits were distributed one each for Model 520 with Serial numbers 529701 and 520502 and for Model 540 with Serial numbers 549204 and 540607.  The remaining 18 kits were shipped to consignees who purchased several kits or parts for inventory or service purpose, and they are not known for what specific device.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide distribution:USA and countries including: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Japan, Mexico, and Taiwan.
  • Descripción del producto
    The Routine Service Kit #082395-00 or Part #030500-00 for HLD SYSTEM and it is labeled in part: "HLD SYSTEMS ***FOR SALES.SERVICE.SUPPLIES CALL***Cenorin*** Kent, WA 98032***P:800.426.1042***F: 253.395.2650***www.cenorin.com". || Service Kit P/N: 082395-00 Series 500 Water Level Switch Upgrade Kit: The purpose of this service kit was to provide replacement parts for customers who had HLD Systems that were manufactured prior to 3/22/07.These systems were manufactured with old, old switches that have been obsolete and discontinued. Part P/N: 030500-00 Switch, Liquid Level: This part was sold by itself to a foreign consignee in Japan for inventory purposes only for regularly scheduled maintenance of a device or replacement of parts at the end of their normal life expectancy.
  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial numbers for Model 540HT without Kits/Parts: 540911, 540910, 540909, 540908, 540907,  540906, 540905, 540904, 540903, 540902,  540901, 540709, 540707, 540708, 540715,  540714, 540713, 540712, 540711, 540723,  540727, 540726, 540725, 540724, 540805, 540804, 540803, 540802, 540801, 540810, 540809, 540808, 540807, 540806, 540912, 540914, 540913, 540917, 540916, 540915, 540607, 540701, 540706, 540918.   The firm uses a serial number as broken down in the following format AABBCC:  AA digits represent the Model Number;  BB digits represent the last two digit of the manufacturing year;  CC digits represent the unique number of the unit.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide distribution:USA and countries including: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Japan, Mexico, and Taiwan.
  • Descripción del producto
    The HLD SYSTEM 540HT is a Medical Device Cleaning and High Level Disinfection Systems (Washer/Pasteurizers). The Model 540HT has an external heater (aka High Throughput Heater). This external heater is connected through hoses to the device and may be secured to a wall. || This external heater reduces the pasteurization cycle time by heating the water to higher temperatures. || Each unit has a metal serial tag that is riveted to the enclosure of the unit and it is labeled in part: "HLD SYSTEMS 540HT***FOR SALES.SERVICE.SUPPLIES CALL***Cenorin*** Kent, WA 98032***P:800.426.1042***F: 253.395.2650***www.cenorin.com". || Medical Device Cleaning and High Level Disinfection Systems (Washer/Pasteurizers) are intended for use at healthcare provided clinical areas such as sleep labs, central services, sterile processing, respiratory care departments. The system is used to clean high level disinfecting medical devices. They are designed to automate the pre-washing and rinsing of critical devices prior to sterilization in other devices.
  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial numbers for Model 540 without Kits/Parts:  549204, 540702, 540716, 540717, 540718, 540719, 540720, 540721, 540722, 540728, 540811, 540812, 540813, 541001, 541005, and 541006.  The firm uses a serial number as broken down in the following format AABBCC:  AA digits represent the Model Number;  BB digits represent the last two digit of the manufacturing year;  CC digits represent the unique number of the unit.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide distribution:USA and countries including: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Japan, Mexico, and Taiwan.
  • Descripción del producto
    HLD SYSTEM 540 is the Medical Device Cleaning and High Level Disinfection Systems (Washer/Pasteurizers). This device does not have the external heater unit known as High Throughput Heater. || Each unit has a metal serial tag that is riveted to the enclosure of the unit and it is labeled in part: "HLD SYSTEMS 540***FOR SALES.SERVICE.SUPPLIES CALL***Cenorin*** Kent, WA 98032***P:800.426.1042***F: 253.395.2650***www.cenorin.com". || Medical Device Cleaning and High Level Disinfection Systems (Washer/Pasteurizers) are intended for use at healthcare provided clinical areas such as sleep labs, central services, sterile processing, respiratory care departments. The system is used to clean high level disinfecting medical devices. They are designed to automate the pre-washing and rinsing of critical devices prior to sterilization in other devices.
  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial numbers for Model 520 without Kits/Parts: 520901, 521001, 520703, 520902, 529701, 520702, 520801, 520701, 520502  The firm uses a serial number as broken down in the following format AABBCC: AA digits represent the Model Number;  BB digits represent the last two digit of the manufacturing year;  CC digits represent the unique number of the unit.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Worldwide distribution:USA and countries including: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Japan, Mexico, and Taiwan.
  • Descripción del producto
    HLD SYSTEM 520 is a two-tank Medical Device Cleaning and High Level Disinfection Systems (Washer/Pasteurizers). Each unit has a metal serial tag that is riveted to the enclosure of the unit and it is labeled in part: "HLD SYSTEMS 520***FOR SALES.SERVICE.SUPPLIES CALL***Cenorin*** Kent, WA 98032***P:800.426.1042***F: 253.395.2650***www.cenorin.com". || Medical Device Cleaning and High Level Disinfection Systems (Washer/Pasteurizers) are intended to use at healthcare provide clinical areas such as sleep labs, central services, sterile processing, respiratory care departments. The system is used to clean and high level disinfecting medical devices. They are designed to automate the pre-washing and rinsing of critical devices prior to sterilization in other devices.
  • Modelo / Serial
    Catalog #s 090010-02, 090010-04, 090011-00, 090011-02.   Serial Numbers: 100401, 100402, 100403, 100404, 100501, 100601, 100602, 100603
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
  • Descripción del producto
    ThermaSure Medical Device Drying Cabinet, series 1000
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  • Dirección del fabricante
    Cenorin, LLC, 6324 S 199th Pl, Suite 107, Kent WA 98032
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source
  • Dirección del fabricante
    Cenorin, LLC, 6324 S 199th Pl Ste 107, Kent WA 98032-2135
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
  • Source