Groman Inc.

Un dispositivo en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
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  • Distribución
    Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) and the country of Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  • Descripción del producto
    New Label: EtchMaster ***Cordless Handpiece***P/N 797 1800-906-9298 HAZARD WARNING: Using CO2 cartridges from other suppliers may cause an operational hazard and will void the warrantee. || Old Label: EtchMaster***Cordless Handpiece***Pats. Pend. Groman, Inc. Adapater P/N 747 1-800-906-9298. || The Cordless Etcher air brush is powered by CO2 mini-cartridges to deliver pressurized gas to the EtchMaster pre-filled disposable micro air abrasive tips. The Cordless Etcher handpiece is quickly re-loaded with a CO2 mini-cartridge. Each CO2 mini-cartridge provides sufficient power to run 3 EtchMaster tips. The EtchMaster tips are used to abrade tooth surfaces and prosthetic devices prior to bonding procedures.

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  • Representante del fabricante
    UAB Černikis Medical Projects
  • Source