3 dispositivos en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    Model No. 66800161 when sold separately, Model No. 66800164 when sold with RENASYS GO NPWT Pump; Serial No. < than 144500875.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
  • Descripción del producto
    Smith & Nephew, RENASYS GO Negative Pressure Wound Therapy External Power Supply Unit, Rx only. || Intended for patients who would benefit from a suction device to help promote wound healing by removing fluids, including irrigation and body fluids, wound exudates and infectious materials. Used for chronic, acute, traumatic, subacute, and dehisced wounds/ulcers/partial thickness burns/flaps/grafts.
  • Modelo / Serial
    Model No. 66800164; All pumps of this model are affected.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
  • Descripción del producto
    Smith & Nephew, RENASYS GO Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, Rx only. || Intended for patients who would benefit from a suction device to help promote wound healing by removing fluids, including irrigation and body fluids, wound exudates and infectious materials. Used for chronic, acute, traumatic, subacute, and dehisced wounds/ulcers/partial thickness burns/flaps/grafts.
  • Modelo / Serial
    Product Code 66020933 RENASYS G Small with Soft Port - Lots #'s 2015100134, 2015100313, 2015100314, 2016040686, and 2016040687 - US ONLY  Product Code 66020934 RENASYS G Medium with Soft Port - Lots #'s 2015100135, 2015100315, 2015100316, 2015110540, 2016040715, and 2016040963  US ONLY Product Code 66020935 RENASYS G Large with Soft Port- Lots #'s 2015100282, 2015100317, 2015110542, and 2016041021  US ONLY  Product Code 66020936 RENASYS G X Large with Soft Port Lot # 2016041035  US ONLY Product Code 66800394 RENASYS Transparent Film Lots #'s 2014010176, 2014011449, 2014030463, 2014040241, 2014050736, 2014051132, 2014061169, 2014113986, 2015020655, 2015040522, 2015050927, 015060209, 2015071095, 2015101044, 2015110749, 2015120664, and 2015121019 - GLOBAL Product Code 66800494 RENASYS G Medium Kit Flat Drain Lots #'s 02014P, 05014D, 06914E, 13414K, 15414T, 16014CV, 18114AV, 23214D, 25214J, and 26515H  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66800495 RENASYS G Large Kit 19Fr Round Drain Lots #'s 00815K, 14014L, 23314E, 25214H, and 32214D  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66800496 RENASYS G Large Kit Flat Drain Lots #'s 00815N, 01215G, 02214J, 05014F, 09014K, 09914K, 16014F, 17514T, 24114D, 25214K, 28015M, and 31714H  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66800497 REANSYS G X-Large Kit 19Fr Round Drain Lot # 05014M  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66800932 RENASYS High Output Fistula Kit Lots #'s 07715M, 09214H, 15514G, 18814K, and 27915G  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66800933 RENASYS G Small with Soft Port Lots #'s 2014010183, 2014011414, 2014020037, 2014021119, 2014021324, 2014021837, 2014030094, 2014030840, 2014030933, 2014031770, 2014040674, 2014041232, 2014041489, 2014050297, 2014050582, 2014051447, 2014051561, 2014060367, 2014060603, 2014060606, 2014071097, 2014080670, 2014080729, 2014091593, 2014091612, 2014091896, 2014091951, 2014102569, 2014103236, 2014103501, 2014103566, 2014125085, 2014125464, 2015016495, 2015016793, 2015016824, 2015020606, 2015020633, 2015021230, 015030904, 2015030938, 2015031168, 2015050397, 2015050706, 2015051210, 2015051333, 2015060715, 2015060718, 2015060878, 2015070001, 2015070021, 2015070057, 2015070243, 2015091343, 2015100464, 2015100652, 2015100707, 2015100859, 2015100968, 2015101007, 2015120041, 2015120046, 2015120052, 2015120061, 2015120411, 2016010750, 39907, 40151, 43250, 3251, and 43252  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66800934 RENASYS G Medium with Soft Port Lots #'s 2014010306, 2014010307, 2014010965, 2014011574, 2014020362, 2014020972, 2014021207, 2014021208, 2014021930, 2014021931, 2014022059, 2014022086, 2014030302, 2014030816, 2014030934, 2014031153, 2014031404, 2014031758, 2014040175, 2014041509, 2014041510, 2014042119, 2014050158, 2014050207, 2014050345, 2014050586, 201405062, 2014051041, 2014051041, 2014060684, 2014060833, 2014061007, 2014061442, 2014061669, 2014070114, 2014070520, 2014070979, 2014071068, 2014080794, 2014080836, 2014080909, 2014090181, 2014090267, 2014091758, 2014091835, 2014092091, 2014102295, 2014102318, 2014114098, 2014114125, 2014114183, 2014114284, 2014124756, 2014124797, 2014125114, 2014125177, 2014125233, 2015020672, 2015020750, 2015020781, 2015020841, 2015021100, 2015021102, 2015031154, 2015040916, 2015050291, 2015050995, 015050996, 2015051048, 2015051382, 2015051409, 2015060395, 2015060402, 2015060912, 2015060921, 2015060979, 2015061078, 2015070313, 2015070335, 2015070348, 2015091344, 2015100024, 2015100672, 2015101328, 2015101360, 2015101522, 2015110440, 2015110767, 2015110809, 2015110931, 2015110988, 2015110989, 2015111015, 2015111261, 2015121208, 2015121237, 2016010018, 2016010772, 2016010790, 39908, 40152, 43249, 43432, 43433, 43434, 43435, and 43558  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66800935 RENASYS G Large with Soft Port Lots #s 2014010875, 2014010876, 2014010919, 2014010940, 2014011209, 2014011229, 2014011418, 2014020026, 2014020946, 2014021122, 2014021838, 2014021839, 2014022085, 2014030813, 2014030841, 2014031293, 2014031354, 2014031399, 2014040860, 2014041269, 2014041410, 2014042109, 2014042113, 2014050898, 2014051040, 2014051655, 2014060089, 2014060169, 2014060274, 2014061051, 2014061333, 2014061438, 2014080369, 2014080549, 2014090036, 014091306, 2014102445, 2014102629, 2014102650, 2014114359, 2014114527, 2014114577, 2014124708, 2014125271, 2014125307, 2014125307, 2015020993, 2015021023, 2015040809, 2015051050, 2015051077, 2015060486, 2015060493, 2015060494, 2015060507, 015061065, 2015061135, 2015061224, 2015061265, 2015070371, 2015100539, 2015100585, 2015100603, 2015100611, 2015110023, 2015110257, 2015110291, 2015110435, 2015120445, 2015120457, 2015120752, 2015120762, 2016010895, 2016011075, 39909, 40153, 43535, 43559, 43565, and 43714  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66800936 RENASYS G X Large with Soft Port Lots #'s 2014010874, 2014010961, 2014040956, 2014050897, 2014080970, 2014103611, 2015021068, 2015021444, 2015040678, 2015070796, 2015100001, 2015100272, 2015101377, and 2015120027 -  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66801255 RENASYS G 10Fr Round Drain Kit Lots #'s 01415G, 02015E, 04916J, 16914G, 2014050828, 1015G, 21015H, and 32214L -  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66801256 RENASYS G 10mm Flat Drain Kit Lots #'s 05516D, 05715H, 08915E, 11214JV, 11414AV, 11414BV, 16914H, 2013050783, 2013060968, 20915T, 32115L, and 32314M  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66801257 RENASYS 15Fr Channel Drain Kit Lots #'s 08915D, 16914J, 19615V, 2014030237, 2014060209, 20815K, 20915G, 23014L, 28815K,32215G, and 32814J  GLOBAL (NOT US) Product Code 66801258 RENASYS G 19Fr Round Drain Kit Lots #'s 05316P, 17014K, 2014030238, 20915K, and 32314T  GLOBAL (NOT US)
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution to AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, NC, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico Argentina, Australia, Bermuda, Brazil, Brunai, Canada, Curacao, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Ireland, Jordan, Malaysia, New Zeland, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, SriLanka, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom.
  • Descripción del producto
    RENASYS Sterile Transparent Film and all the RENASYS Dressing kits that contains the RENASYS Sterile Transparent Film || Is intended for patients who would benefit from a suction device (negative pressure) to help promote wound healing by removing fluids including irrigation and body fluids, wound exudates and infectious materials. Examples of appropriate wounds types include chronic, acute, traumatic, Sub-Acute and dehisced wounds, ulcers, (such as pressure and diabetic), partial thickness burns, flaps and grafts.

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  • Dirección del fabricante
    Smith & Nephew, Inc., 1450 E Brooks Rd, Memphis TN 38116-1804
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
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  • Dirección del fabricante
    Smith & Nephew, Inc., Endoscopy Div., 130 Forbes Blvd, Mansfield MA 02048
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
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  • Dirección del fabricante
    Smith & Nephew, Inc., 150 Minuteman Rd, Andover MA 01810-1031
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
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  • Dirección del fabricante
    Smith & Nephew, Inc., 130 & 120 Forbes Blvd, Mansfield MA 02048
  • Empresa matriz del fabricante (2017)
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  • Dirección del fabricante
    Smith & Nephew, Inc., 130 Forbes Boulevard, Mansfield MA 02048
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