Part Number 384001, 20 per case, Lot numbers: 551880804, 581451104, 581461104; Part Number 386000, 15 per case, Lot numbers: 551890804, 600080205, 5518908004
Product was distributed domestically to customers in CA, AZ, IL, CO, OR, FL, VA, OH, MI, and UT. Product was also distributed to the following foreign countries: Malaysia, Mexico, and New Zealand
Descripción del producto
Portex Adult Single Limb Anesthesia Breathing Circuit, single use, Part Numbers: 386000 and 384001. Manufactured for Sims Portex, Inc., Fort Meyers, FL, Made in Mexico.
Nationwide Distribution -- including states of New York, Texas, Ohio, Utah, Alabama, Arizona, Kentucky, & Wyoming.
Descripción del producto
Portex Continuous Epidural Tray, Reference 4037-20 || An anesthesia conduction kit is a device used to administer to a patient conduction, regional, or local anesthesia.
Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and the countries of United Arab Emirates, Armenia, Brazil, Canada, France, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Japan, Libya, Poland, Russian Federation, and Saudi Arabia.
Descripción del producto
First Breath ¿ Adult Oxygen Mask with Tubing, 213cm (7ft) || Reorder Number: 001421 || Oxygen/Aerosol Mask For acute use, e.g. Post-op recovery, minimal trauma, patient transfer; used for patients requiring more oxygen than is delivered via a standard nasal cannula (>6L/minute). During inspiration, the patient draws gases both from the oxygen flowing into the mask through the tubing as well as the room via ports on the sides of the mask. Oxygen concentration delivered is 40 60% depending on the patients breathing rate and tidal volume