DOMESTIC: 12 units shipped to 12 medical facilities in FL, KY, MI, NY, OH, PA, and SC. FOREIGN: 12 units shipped to 7 hospitals in China, 1 warehouse in China; 1in the possession of Chinese Customs (government); and 1 is in a warehouse in Russia.
Descripción del producto
KODAK DirectView DR 7100 System, Catalog # 133-6049. This is a digital radiology system. The major components are: operator console; digital imaging capture device; tilting table with floating top; ceiling-mounted x-ray tube; x-ray generator timing and distribution unit.
Each screen has a 17-digit code. Product subject to recall includes ALL codes containing ''CE'' and ''CR'' and codes with ''CO'' with date code of ''051'' or lower. NOTE: The date codes are the 8th thru 10th digit and equal the julian date. The YEAR CODES are the 11th and 12th digit. The codes are located at the top edge of the CR screen. i.e. xxxxxxx051CO#xxxx.
There are 263 U.S. customers; 22 Canadian customers; 74 Japanese customers; 213 Greater Asian Region customers; 19 Latin American customers; 306 Europe/Africa/ Middle East customers.
Descripción del producto
KODAK GP FLEXIBLE PHOSPHOR SCREENS, for use with Kodak DirectView CR 500 systems. Responsible firm on label: Made in U.S.A. by Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N.Y. 14650. Screens are sold in the following sizes and Cat. Nos: || (1) Cat. #812-7334 - 15 x 30 cm; || (2) Cat #825-9269 - 18 x 24 cm; || (3) Cat #167-8663 - 24 x 30 cm; || (4) Cat #810-7823 - 35 x 35 cm; || (5) Cat #160-5906 - 35 x 43 cm