Zoe Medical Incorporated

2 dispositivos en la base de datos

  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial numbers WFD5373, WFD5374, WFD5375, WFD5376, WFD5377, WFD5378, WFD5379,WFD5380, WFD5381, WFD5382, WFD5383, WFD5384, WFD5385, WFD5386, WFD5387, WFD5388, WFD5389, WFD5390, WFD5392, WFD5393, WFD5394,WFD5395, WFD5396, WFD5398, WFD5399, WFD5400, WFD5401, WFD5402, WFD5403, WFD5404, WFD5405, WFD5406, WFD5407, WFD5408, WFD5409,WFD5410, WFD5411, WFD5412, WFD5413, WFD5414, WFD5415, WFD5416, WFD5417, WFD5418, WFD5419, WFD5420, WFD5421, WFD5422, WFD5423,\/VFD5424, VVFD5425, WFD5426, WFD5427, WFD5428, WFD5429, WFD5431, WFD5432, WFD5435, WFD5436, WFD5437, WFD5438, and WFD5439.
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide Distribution -- MA and MD.
  • Descripción del producto
    The Well@Home Monitor by Patient Care technologies || Model 179-2150 || Intended to be used as a clinical tool for remotely monitoring a patient's health status at home or in another healthcare facility on a spot check basis.
  • Modelo / Serial
    Serial Numbers: FFD3291, FFD3292, FFD3293, FFD3294, FFD3295, FFD3296, FFD3297, FFD3298, FFD3299, FFD3300, FFD3301, FFD3302, FFD3303, FFD3304, FFD3306, FFD3307, FFD3308, FFD3309, FFD3310, FFD3312, FFD3313, FFD3314, FFD3315, FFD3316,FFD3317, FFD3318, FFD3319, FFD3320, FFD3321, FFD3579, FFD3771, FFD3772, FFD3814, FFD3815, FFD3817
  • Clasificación del producto
  • Clase de dispositivo
  • ¿Implante?
  • Distribución
    Nationwide distribution: WA only.
  • Descripción del producto
    Spacelabs Ultraview DM3 Monitor || Model Number: 91330-NT || The Ultraview DM3 Monitor is indicated for use by health care professionals for monitoring patient vital signs. The Ultraview DM3 Monitor is intended for monitoring, recording, and alarming basic vital signs on adult and pediatric patients. Monitored parameters include SpO2, pulse rate, NIBP, and temperature.