Worldwide Distribution including USA and countries of Netherlands, Slovak Republick, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Singapore, Russian Federatin, Greece, Japan, Saudi Arabia, India, Slovenia, Israel, South Africa, South Korea, Poland, Thailand, Jordan, Belgium, Finland, Portugal, Cyprus, Italy, UAE, Kuwait, China, Bahrain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia, Germany, Austria, UK, New Zealand, Mexico and Canada.
Descripción del producto
ArthroWand Saber 30 with Integrated Cable wand, Catalog number AC4330-01, Manufactured by ArthroCare Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA
Product was distributed to 247 consignees throughout the US and to Australia, Germany, Italy, UK, Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, South Africa, Finland, Singapore, Spain, Russia and Poland.
Descripción del producto
ArthroCare ArthroWand Covator with Integrated Cable Wand, Catalog number AC4340-01. The product is a medical device for human use in electrosurgical cutting and coagulation accessories. Product is indicated for resection, ablation and coagulation of soft tissue and hemostasis of blood vessels in arthroscopic and orthopedic procedures.
All products consisting of lot number 110399, Catalog number OM-6006. This catalog number is referred to as the OPUS MiniPlus Implant Set.
Clase de dispositivo
Descripción del producto
OPUS SpeedStitch Suture Cartridge with Magnumwire, a component of the OPUS MiniPlus Implant Set, for use in placement of sutures through soft tissue in endoscopic and other limited access procedures.